Monday, May 18, 2009


Look at me I can wear bows now
aren't I cute!

New Toys

We picked up a few new toys for Lainy the last couple of days and I thought I would share them with all of you. The last one I got at a yard sale it was my deal of the day, I think they originally sell for $40 to $60 in stores but they had $3 on it, the funny part is that it was my last sale of the day and and I only had $1 and another $1.50 in change so they took it for only $2.50 !!!! how awesome is that. The keys and the bug also came from yard sales, the bug is pretty cool because when you pull him the balls on his back light up and it sings songs. And Lastly the tea set, we got it at Target (where else I love Target ) , it is so cute when Lainy plays with it because she will realy sip off of the spoon and cup. Well thats all for now I will post again soon .

Friday, May 15, 2009

Spring Cleaning

I was going through my cupboards a couple of weeks ago and was just not happy with the way everything was shoved in there, I had a few canisters but everything else was a mess and especially now that I have all the baby food I really needed a new way to organize.
I was at Jo-Ann's when I saw these photo boxes and thought they would be perfect, turns out they were just what I needed. So if you need some extra space in your cupboard or anywhere else for that matter I highly recommend these photo boxes they are a cheap and great way to get organized.

Monday, May 4, 2009

Sip Sip Gulp

Here is Lainy playing with her bottle, I but some water in it
and let her have fun sipping and chewing on it.

A New Trick

Lainy learned a new trick! When her Uncle T.J. was over last weekend he was waving at her and then she just waved back it was so adorable and we were able to get a little on camera, she was being shy so it took a while but it was worth it.

This Little Piggy

When we were up visiting my family last weekend my sister Tori painted my toes, they were so great I decided to paint Lainy's toes to, she did pretty good and hardly got any on grandma.
It was so cute and After the paint was dry she kept grabbing them and looking at them, I think she liked the hot pink color next time I might be brave enough to try her fingers.

Laundry Time

Well as you might know babies make a lot of laundry,
so I decided that Lainy needed to start helping out
with some of the work around the house
so today she is helping the diapers,
and what a great helper
she was.

Lainy's New Cousin Lyla

At the end of last month my sister-in-law Angie (from California) and her family came back home for a visit. We had not seen them since either of our babys were born, so this was the first time that Lainy got to meet her new Cousin Lyla. She is so cute and is such a doll, Lainy absalouty loved her and kept wanting to touch and grab her. It was so fun to see them play and I can't wait till the next time they are together.

Blossoming Beauty

I love this time of year mostly because of Lailacs they are so pretty and they smell great too. Lainy is getting her first smell and taste of one in these pictures what a cutie!!!

Friday, May 1, 2009

Happy May Day

Happy May Day !!

did anyone give their neighbors flowers on their door today?
I remember when I was young my mom would drive us to our neighbors house and we would hang a basket of flowers on their door then knock and leave. I thought that was so fun especially making the little paper baskets for the flowers to go in. Hope you all have a great May day.